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Responsible for the content of this website:


Herrenwäldlirain 3
3065 Bolligen


Phone number: +41 (0)58 510 02 75


The legal representative of TEXEP AG: André Posnansky


Entry in the commercial register

TEXEP AG is entered in the commercial register ( under the registration number:



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Links to external content are provided as a service. The respective providers are responsible for the content of these links. We therefore accept no liability for this external content.



The website is constantly updated so that information can be added, removed or changed without prior notice. No liability is assumed for the accuracy of the publications, data and links.



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Photo credits

The photos shown on are the property of TEXEP with permission of the owners and photographers.


Additional information mandatory according to German law

Die Eigentumsanteile der Gesellschaft (Aktienkapital), die von ihr ausgegeben wurden:



Wir stellen journalistische und redaktionell aufbereitete Inhalte zur Verfügung. Daher müssen wir den Namen und den Wohnort der Person nennen, die für den Inhalt dieser Website (nach § 18 Abs. 2 MStV) verantwortlich ist:
André Posnansky aus Bern


Unsere Berufshaftpflichtversicherung lautet:

AXA – Hauptagentur Ostermundigen, Güterstrasse 7, 3072 Ostermundigen